Spiritual Relations of the Lajtner Machine®
Buddhism - Islam - Hinduism - Taoism - Christianity  - Sikhism
Judaism - Confucianism - Shinto -
Bahá'í Faith - Jainism - Native Spirituality
Changing thought is the right of God, and now
Lajtner Machine shows, it seems to be the right of humans, too.

You have to understand a simple rule:
your thoughts have effects on my brain and my thoughts have effects on your brain.
Buddha's Way
Confucius' Way
Allah's Way
Jesus' Way
Brahma's Way (Photo by Vassil)
The Power Thinking is capable of altering thoughts of other people, so they believe the new thought is created by themselves.

Using the Lajtner Machine
, people will understand their great possibility. And even their big responsibility. Thoughts have power!!!

Think good thoughts!
Biblical relations
(two examples)
In the following you can find two examples of the astonishing Biblical relations of the thought force that runs the Lajtner Machine.
These examples are here to highlight the power of thought. There is neither religious nor political, nor sociological, nor etc. concepts behind the examples.
This first example shows the effect of good thoughts.
This second one shows the impact of bad thought.
               Health                Good Thoughts
© Dr. Tamas Lajtner All rights reserved 2019 Lajtner Machine® is a registered trademark